Blacksmithing is not the profesion of the past. The modern blacksmith's work can conjure up wonderful products, both in the case of the manual, so in the case of mechanical fittings. Artistic, classic, drop, or other kinds of fittings are among the basic ways of forming metal, even today

Roofing and plumbing work - chimney cladding - gutter systems - work at heights - roof painting. Blacksmith work - custom artistic fittings.

Watchmaking: - repairs of antique clocks - restoration of clock cabinets. Artistic blacksmithing.

Blacksmithing. Locksmith work. Welding. Tepelské údolí 111 36464 Bečov

Activity: - artistic blacksmithing - locksmithery

Activity: - artistic blacksmithing and locksmithing

Blacksmithing: - farrier work - production of grids - decorative items

Artistic blacksmithing, blacksmith semi-finished products, sale of blacksmith semi-finished products and components of the company Rik-Fer. We offer lattices, fences, gates, light outdoor structures, blacksmith semi-finished products and home accessories in any style.