Go for the culture and visit the Czech museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Waiting for you still exposure, special exhibitions or thematic exposure. Exhibition of cars, museum of science and technology or to be an exhibition of paintings – depends on your taste.

The Habartov Municipal Cultural Center supports the development of tourist infrastructure in the Habartov region and also in the entire Karlovy Vary region. Here you will find a library, museum, information center and cinema. You can also rent a social hall, cinema or club room with us. The premises are suitable for private events, weddings, ...

Gallery. Sale: - pictures - ceramics - metal accessories

Historical Museum. Ethnographic and Textile Museum. Library. Organization of exhibitions, lectures on the history of Ašsko and the textile industry. Records of small monuments, stone crosses, documentation of horizontal waterworks.

Activity: - gallery - a cafe - production, sale of ceramics - painting, ceramics courses