Regional newspapers, weeklies, periodic journals and magazines, daily newspapers, magazines for children, newsletters, professional magazines and other printed materials – these are all newspapers and magazines, which are produced using offset, digital or large-format printing.

We bring information and news from the world of celebrities, technology, music, fashion, motivation and entertainment. Everything you need to know can be found in one place.

-Retail used goods -Specialized retail and general merchandise retail - Mediation of business and services

-Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities -Wholesale and retail Plumbing, heating Masonry

Publishing and publishing houses. Publisher of specialist magazines and specialist publications for forestry (Forestry work) and hunting (Svět myslivosti). Promotion of forestry and hunting fairs. Internet server

Publishing - specialization in cookbooks

Publication of a monthly modeling magazine. Organization of the fair: - model maker - hobbies.