Library readers offers the possibility to borrow books, foreign-language literature, professional journals, fiction, audio, audio books, educational literature or textbooks. City and county libraries often provide internet access, printing, and interlibrary loan.

Library: - book fund loans - interlibrary loan services - book reservations - public internet - black and white A4 printing.

City Library Branch: Brandlova 81 Phone: 518 321 212

Boskovice's cultural facilities are dedicated to cultural events, a cinema and a library. We perform concerts, festivals, exhibitions and other various performances. We also offer to rent a representative building of the castle greenhouse, cinema and Sokol rooms. You can find us at Kpt. Jaroše 107/15. Services, organization, realization:  - ...

City Library. Book rental. Internet study room. Providing information.

City Library. Rental: - books, magazines.

Library - books for geographers, antiquarians, collectors, journalists

The library is located on the ground floor of the Slavkov castle.