DeCe CONSULT s.r.o.

Zerotinova 378, Decin III 405 02
The company DeCe CONSULT s.r.o. deals with taxes, accounting. You can find our company in Děčín III.

We mainly deal with the following types of taxes:
- tax on the income of natural and legal persons, on added value, road tax, inheritance tax, gift tax and on the transfer of real estate, on real estate.

In accounting, we offer the following services:
- complex accounting management
- keeping tax records
- preparation of annual financial statements, accounting reports and statements and accounting methodology
- external supervision of accounting.

In the area of wages and gender, we provide you with:
- payroll processing
- personnel and salary consultancy
- annual tax settlement
- representing clients at meetings and inspections at the Czech Social Security Administration and health insurance companies.

We continue to offer training on the Tax mix - tax updates for the year 2013 - 2014.

  • accountancy processing, financial and managerial accounting, tax processing, audit services, financial statement audits, audits of economic reports

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