Prostredni 531, Luzna 270 51
The company NADOS Václav Kejla was founded in 1990. This company is a Czech manufacturer of blinds and insect nets. During our activity, we have many satisfied customers who return to us - a quality product and a satisfied customer always come first.

The company employs qualified employees for production, but also for professional assembly and service of our products.

Thanks to long-term experience in this industry, the NADOS® company has created a reliable network of satisfied customers from assembly companies as well as individual satisfied customers with the assembly of our products, which speaks volumes about the quality of these products.

Production, sale and assembly:
- interior accessories
- blinds
- curtain structures
- mosquito nets
- blinds for day and night, pleated blinds
- awnings.

The company headquarters is located at Prostřední 531, Lužná.

  • shading devices, shading of windows, indoor and outdoor blinds, insect screens, textile shading

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