Holeckova 336, Vodnany 389 01
Travel agency Jiří Kubík operates passenger and bus transport, taxi service and our services include the operation of a travel agency specializing in day trips. We offer services for individuals and companies. You can find us in Vodňany.

Passenger and bus transport:
- custom bus transport
- domestic bus transport
- foreign bus transport
- taxi service
- Passenger transport by minibus
- Airport transfer.
- MAN bus (49 + 1 persons + driver)
- IVECO bus (30 people + driver)
- Volkswagen Transit (8 people + driver)
- Škoda Octavia (4 seats + driver)

Transport, tel .: 602 449 625

Travel agency:
- specialization in day trips
- creation of tailor-made tours
- one-day sightseeing tours
- we also organize multi-day tours.

Travel agency, tel .: 720 515 888

If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • winter holiday, summer vacation, weekend stays, study stays abroad, excursion tours, guide services
  • transport of people by bus, domestic bus transport, bus timetables
  • international transport by bus, foreign bus lines, tours abroad
  • online taxi, fast passenger transport, transport by passenger cars, drink service

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