Ladislav Chrastek

Sardice 661, Sardice 696 13
The company Ladislav Chrástek deals with earthworks, excavation and demolition work. Our other activities include cutting concrete, asphalt and core drilling. You can find us in the village of Šardice, district of Hodonín.

Our activity:
- earthworks
- excavation work
- demolition, demolition work
- core drilling
- cutting asphalt, concrete
- cutting panels, panel walls.

If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • processing of leather materials, art and craft, precious metal processing, jewellery production
  • building demolitions, dismantling of constructions, demolition of building parts, rehabilitation of buildings, disposal of technological equipment, construction debris disposal
  • soil excavation, landscaping, earthwork for utility networks, loading and transportation of soil, strengthening of surfaces

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