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+420 596753564-5

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Vratimovska 624/11
Ostrava-Kuncicky 718 00

Truck transport Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark

MTM Transport, a.s. is a professional freight forwarding company in Czech Republic specialising in forwarding, freight, transport and trucking services to Scandinavia: Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Our trucks depart daily and we are ready to handle both FTL and LTL deliveries.

We cooperate with a host of proven partners and maintain an established functional distribution system, capable of providing “door-to-door” delivery services to our clients for any kind of consignment.

Other services:
- complete turn-key logistics
- full-service warehousing services
- maritime and air transport
- complete customs services
- ferry reservations
- insurance for multiple consignments.

Our emphasis is on a personalised approach and proven delivery of quality services.


Truck transport Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark

Truck transport Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark

MTM Transport, a.s. is a professional freight forwarding company in Czech Republic specialising in forwarding, freight, transport and trucking services to Scandinavia: Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Our trucks depart daily and we ...

Shipping to Sweden, Finland - freight transport with full service, the Czech Republic

Shipping to Sweden, Finland - freight transport with full service, the ...

Shipping to Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, as well as freight transport, is carried out by the MTM Transport, a.s. company from the Czech Republic. Full service in this field is provided as well. We have been engaged in transport ...


MTM Transport, a.s.
Vratimovska 624/11
Ostrava-Kuncicky 718 00
GPS: 49°48′42.61″ N, 18°18′22.03″ E

49°48′42.61″ N, 18°18′22.03″ E

QR kód firmy MTM Transport, a.s.
WEBSITE MTM Transport, a.s.


Vratimovska 624/11
Ostrava-Kuncicky 718 00

+420 596753564-5

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