Ministerstvo zemedelstvi

Tesnov 65/17, Praha 1 - Nove Mesto 110 00
The Ministry of Agriculture is the central state administration body for agriculture, water management, the food industry and for the management of forests, hunting and fishing, outside the national parks. In each area, there are certain exceptions that do not fall within the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture, such as: protection of natural water accumulation, protection of water resources and protection of water quality. The Ministry of Agriculture is also the central body of state administration in matters of commodity exchanges, which organize trades in goods originating from agricultural and forestry production, including products resulting from its processing. It is also the central body of state administration in matters of veterinary care, phytosanitary care, food care, care for the protection of animals against cruelty and for the protection of rights to new plant varieties and animal breeds.

Ministry of Agriculture - the central state administration body for:
- agriculture
- water management
- food industry
- forest management
- hunting
- fishing.

Ministry of Agriculture - department:
- Section of the Secretary of State
- Audit and Supervision Department
- Department of Security Policy and Crisis Management
- water management section
- forestry section
- Department of the Cabinet of the Minister
- Department of the Office of the Minister
- Section for EU funds, science, research and education
- EU and External Relations Section
- Agriculture and Food Section.

The Ministry of Agriculture manages:
- Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority
- State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic
- Central Agricultural Inspection and Testing Institute
- Czech Breeding Inspection
- State Land Office
- Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biopreparations and Medicines
- Institute for Forest Management.

The task of the Ministry is not to manage or plan agricultural, forestry or food production, but to define the relevant legal regulations within which our entrepreneurs can move. The Ministry of Agriculture is located at Těšnov 65/17, Prague 1 - Nové Město

  • central state administration bodies, administration of factually defined section, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Defence, Treasury Department, Ministry of Education, army services

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