Vyssi odborna skola stavebni a Stredni skola stavebni Vysoke Myto

Komenskeho 1, Vysoke Myto 566 01
Is your choice a higher professional school? If so, we offer the highest level of education available in Vysokomytsk. The graduate will receive the title of Diplomated Specialist (DiS). For all graduates of all disciplines, it is possible to issue a certificate from IES LONDON at the end of the study, which proves the quality of the study.

The education system is the same as in college. Graduates can then continue under favorable conditions (reduced study time) in one of the bachelor study programs offered by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University in Ostrava.

The school uses all available options to introduce new information into the teaching process. The introduction of new European standards for structural design (Eurocodes) into this process is no exception. In their subjects, lecturers mainly focus on calculations and demonstrations of practical examples.

We offer the following fields of study: VOŠ, SOŠ, SOU:

VOŠ fields - Transport construction, Water management structures.
SOŠ fields - Transport construction, Water management constructions, Civil engineering-architecture.
SOU majors - Plumber, Joiner, Bricklayer, Plumber, Plumber and Sewerage Installer and Waterworks Equipment Operator.
Teaching AJ, NJ, RJ.

  • secondary professional orientation, education for professions, practical experience in the field, final school-leaving examination
  • university education, higher professional education, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctor's degree, certified specialist title

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