Pavel Kmoch

Zernosecka 603/15, Litomerice 412 01
The company Pavel Kmoch deals with the sale and service of fire extinguishing and fire equipment. In our assortment you will find fire extinguishers, hydrants, fire seals, dampers and other material. We also provide services in the field of fire protection and occupational safety. We are located in the town of Litoměřice at 603/15 Žernosecká.

Sales, repair, service, inspection:
- extinguishers
- hydrants
- fire seals
- fire shutters (dampers, doors)
- safety signs.

Consulting, training:
- safety
- fire protection.

If our offer appealed to you, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • fire extinguishers servicing, hydrant systems, fire hydrants, foam fire extinguishers, powder extinguishers, water extinguishers, snow extinguishers, mobile fire extinguishers
  • special educational courses, team building courses, machine operation courses, workshops and motivation courses

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