Our company deals with reconstructions and repairs of floor areas, we supply heavy-duty floor panels from PVC. We supply floor panels, a demountable flooring system. Without bonding and with loading of up to 6 tons / dm2. We provide laying and installation.
Wholesale, retail trade, sale, installation, production, repairs, reconstruction, floor laying:
-industrial floor
-heavy-duty floor panels made of PVC
-dismountable floor system.
Floors: production and storage plants.
Portable floor covering.
Dismountable industrial floors.
Laying and installation:
-poured floors for all plants
-poured industrial floors, industrial flooring
-screeds and concrete coatings
-pumped thin coats.
-advisory service
-quantity discounts
-turnkey supplies.
Production of industrial floors to order (turnkey).
Firm locality: Czech Republic(CR), South Moravian district, Brno-city.
Trademarks: PODLAHY Liska
Themes: demountable flooring system, heavy-duty floor panels, industrial flooring, PVC Brno
Podlahy pro všechny průmyslové provozy
Zátěžové PVC podlahové panely a jiný sortiment
PVC panely pro pokládku kvalitní podlahy
Podlahové systémy se snadnou montáží
Rozebíratelné průmyslové podlahy