The supply, repair, installation and reconstruction of distribution networks (cable and outdoor) for high and low voltage are dealt with by ELEKTROMONTÁŽE, s.r.o. It provides services not only for energy companies but also for small builders, developers and municipalities.
- repair, installation and supply of public lighting
- High and low voltage connections for large and small customers
- connection of photovoltaic and other power plants
- project documentation
- electrical revisions.
We are a contract office within CEZ:
- submission of applications (connection, rate change or increase in power)
- conclusion of contracts (also for gas and mobile calls possible)
- installation of electricity meters
- submitting applications for building permits
- electricity meter conversions
- end of collection.
We have been engaged in this activity since 1990, and we transformed into a limited liability company nine years later.
In our company we strictly observe safety at work. Employees are regularly trained with all necessary training and provided with the specified aids.
Dodávky, opravy, montáže a rekonstrukce distribučních sítí
Přípojky vysokého i nízkého napětí pro velké i malé zákazníky
Montáž transformačních stanic, vedení vysokého a nízkého napětí
Služby pro elektromobilitu