Sokolska trida 244/27, Ostrava 702 00
The physical security of persons and property provided by our agency provides a number of advantages compared to the employment relationship between the guard and his employer. Above all, it is about taking over problems with losses and crime. We help with the detection of sophisticated crime. We mediate cooperation and communication with PČR. We have an insurance contract for damage caused as part of the services provided. Providing security through our agency removes the security guard from the employment relationship with the employer, which does not increase the costs associated with the security of the building as a result of the collective agreement. We provide comprehensive security services in the area of protecting your property.

  • alarm systems, fire alarms, electronic alarm system servicing, movement detectors, wireless alarms
  • safeguarding of buildings, protection of people, central security desk, security systems, detective services, home security
  • household cleaning, cleaning of public spaces, cleaning buildings and windows, vacuuming carpets, linen ironing, dusting and floor cleaning

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