Kameny Opava

Hanuvka 3, Kravare 747 21
The company Kameny Opava deals mainly with ornamental stones and loose building materials. It sells only quality material, including sand, gravel and stone chips, so it will satisfy not only customers directly from Opava, but also from the surroundings of Hlucin and Ostrava.

In the company catalog you can choose from three branches:

Loose building material:

  - sand for construction
  - gravel
  - Crushed stone
  - quarry stone

Ornamental aggregates:

  - slate
  - marble
  - quartzite
  - limestone - ornamental, brittle, crystalline white, mixtures
  - ornamental duck
  - Ornamental garden stones
  - solitary stones
  - ortorula and pararula
  - Granite
  - granite tiles
  - Granite cubes
  - treads and irregular tiling
  - cascades
  - stone carpets
  - bark mulch


  - both hard and soft firewood

Ornamental, decorative, stone vases - amphoras for the garden.

Ornamental stones and stone crumbs are suitable for decorative purposes, playgrounds, gardens, balconies, aquariums, mulching fillings, gabions, drainage layers, green roofs and terraces, graves, cemeteries, flower decorations, rock gardens, sidewalks.

The company Kameny Opava will ensure the quality of all services and strive to improve the administrative and transport services within the store.

We are friendly, legal, modern and affordable!

  • sales of building materials, distribution of dry plaster mixes, distribution of concrete bricks, gravel and sand pits, quarrying
  • sales of all fossil fuels, distribution of black coal, brown coal, coal briquettes, coke
  • stone material, products from stones, stone working and grinding, polishing of stones, stone mining and quarry
  • small stoneware, bratčice grit, polished sand, backfill sand, other construction materials

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