The VTL Blansko, JSC. company was founded in 2010. Company headquarters can be found in Prague and the plant in Blansko.
We are a producer of heavy-duty vertical turning lathes, incl. provision of high-quality and professional service.
We want to continue in Czech long-standing tradition in the field of machine tools.
We put main emphasis on quality of work and products, precision, flexibility and customer orientation.
Other activities of the company are services in the field of machine tools, specialized in heavy-duty vertical turning lathes - boring and turning mills.
-repairs of machine tools
-regular service inspection of machines
-moving of machines
-geometry of machines
-measurement of machine axis positioning
-sale and production of spare parts
zakázková výroba a servis obráběcích a tvářecích strojů Blansko
Otočné stoly pro obráběcí stroje
Výroba těžkých obráběcích strojů - karusely
Servis, opravy vertikálních soustruhů, karuselů