Stavebni bytove druzstvo Praha 8

Hornatecka 1772/19, Praha 8 - Kobylisy 182 00
Stavební bytové družstvo Praha 8 carries out and provides comprehensive management, maintenance, repairs and revisions of apartment buildings and non-residential premises.

We offer complete accounting, including annual accounts, as well as preparation of documents for tax returns, we process budgets, and perform economic analyses.

In addition to activities in the economic field, we also provide technical and organizational administrative consulting. We also provide services within the framework of real estate privatization.

Our standard activities in the area of:

Economic – preparation of documents for tax returns, checking of accounting items and payroll, calculation of advance payments associated with the use of apartments and common parts of the house for the entire house and according to individual tenants and owners after the end of the settlement period and other...

Technical-operational - maintenance and repair planning, processing of documents for the final billing of advance payments associated with the use of apartments, basic organizational assurance of installation and metrological verification of apartment meters.

Organizational and legal - registration of apartments and the legal status of their users, representation of the administrator in disputes before the courts, including execution proceedings, administration of rent changes (transfers, exchanges, inheritance), processing of proposals and changes to the owner's statement.

Above-standard activities:
management of above-standard analytics for the needs of elected bodies of managed objects, printing of extraordinary slips, securing and carrying out a selection procedure for the contractor of the work..

Activities associated with the establishment of a community of owners of units with legal personality:
The cooperative announces the creation of a legal entity - a community of unit owners - and offers complete provision of the constitution of the legal entity, the convening of the first meeting of the assembly of owners, provision of a notary, preparation of a proposal for registration, submission of the proposal to the Municipal Court in Prague, which is responsible for managing the register of the community of unit owners.

After the registration of the legal entity - community of unit owners in the register, based on the mandate contract, the cooperative is the person entrusted with the administration of the house. Ensuring legal representation of the client by a lawyer in court proceedings based on the client's request.

- these are activities that will give you maximum insight into your home. This employee will immediately advise you or arrange a solution to the problem that has arisen.
The main activities include:
- Regular inspections of the condition of the house
- Ensuring repairs of technical equipment of the house
- Communication with the residents of the house
- Keeping records of repairs and checking the execution of repairs
- Orders for minor repairs
- Provision of routine communication with contractual partners
- House cleaning checks
- Administrative activities

Starting this year, as part of improving the quality of administrative services, we are launching a new internet portal called eDOMOVNÍK

The edomovník application is an internet portal for entities managed by us, which enables the publication and sharing of information related to the management of an apartment building.

For objects managed by us, this service will enable checking and sharing of accounting, technical and other documents at any time after connecting to this application.

  • cooperative house management, register of cooperative apartments, rental of cooperative flats, cooperative apartment sale

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