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Pobřežní 249/46 Praha 8 18600

Maddeo CZ s.r.o.
Vodoměry, měřiče tepla

Maddeo CZ s.r.o. - precision water and heat meters

Precision water meters with remote reading
Construction of boiler houses for apartment buildings
 - branded measuring system
 - residential water meters
 - House water meters
 - industrial water meters and special flow meters
 - accurate and reliable dosing water meters
 - heat meters Actaris, Landis + Gyr, Kamstrup
 - we also supply brands of brands: Sensus, Actaris, Kamstrup, Siemens, ABB, ...
 - installation and sealing material
 - assembly of water and heat meters by own installers
 - service of water meters and heat meters by our own service technicians
 - regulation of heating systems
 - water treatment plants for apartment buildings
 - water filtration
 - accounting

Maddeo CZ s.r.o.
precision water and heat meters
Jiráskova 899
51601 Rychnov nad Kneznou, CZ
Czech Companies

Heating material Plumbing material Heating work Plumbing work Measuring and control equipment

SLOGAN: Neplaťte teplo a vodu za sousedy v bytových domech!

Trademarks: Sensus, Actaris, Kamstrup, Siemens, ABB



Video no.1 Systém Maddeo pro vodoměry a měřiče tepla


BMCO s.r.o.
Pobřežní 249/46,
Praha - Karlín 18600

QR code BMCO s.r.o.


Pobřežní 249/46
Praha 8 18600
[email protected]
+420 800 778 778 +420 494 377 221 +420 734 448 819

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Where to find us

Pobřežní 249/46
Praha 8 18600

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Pobřežní 249/46 Praha 8 18600