Jindřich Babarík
The Institute of Education and Information BAEL provides electrical training and testing of electricians, weak-drivers, inspection technicians and designers according to Decree 50/78 Coll., According to § 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. they can pre-order or purchase textbooks, legal and safety codes, manuals, and other electrical engineering publications to help you prepare for exams quickly and well.
We provide training not only for companies, but also for sole traders, entrepreneurs, enlighteners from the entire Moravian-Silesian Region (Ostrava, Frýdek-Místek, Karviná, Nový Jičín, Opava). It is not a problem for us to organize training courses throughout the Czech Republic.
This is a one-day training session that starts at 9 am in our classroom and must always be signed up by phone, e-mail or on our website. If you are interested in training and testing at your company, we require a minimum of eight applicants.
We provide training:
- training from the Decree. 50/78 Coll.
- work at heights
- crane operators
- platforms
- binders
- PO
- OHS.
Each candidate will take with him / her all the evidence of education, medical certificate and length of experience in the field of electro, or old certificates.
We cooperate with professional lecturers who involve video technology in their teaching and share their rich practical experience.
Our other activities include the technical publishing house and the BAEL publishing house, the editorial board of the professional magazine Elektrotechnika in Practice, which is published in both print and electronic form.
E-shop, sale directly on the premises:
- Practical tools and electrical engineering tables
- manuals for electrical engineer tests and other publications and forms
- professional journal Elektrotechnika v praxi.
We provide training not only for companies, but also for sole traders, entrepreneurs, enlighteners from the entire Moravian-Silesian Region (Ostrava, Frýdek-Místek, Karviná, Nový Jičín, Opava). It is not a problem for us to organize training courses throughout the Czech Republic.
This is a one-day training session that starts at 9 am in our classroom and must always be signed up by phone, e-mail or on our website. If you are interested in training and testing at your company, we require a minimum of eight applicants.
We provide training:
- training from the Decree. 50/78 Coll.
- work at heights
- crane operators
- platforms
- binders
- PO
- OHS.
Each candidate will take with him / her all the evidence of education, medical certificate and length of experience in the field of electro, or old certificates.
We cooperate with professional lecturers who involve video technology in their teaching and share their rich practical experience.
Our other activities include the technical publishing house and the BAEL publishing house, the editorial board of the professional magazine Elektrotechnika in Practice, which is published in both print and electronic form.
E-shop, sale directly on the premises:
- Practical tools and electrical engineering tables
- manuals for electrical engineer tests and other publications and forms
- professional journal Elektrotechnika v praxi.
Školení pro firmy, živnostníky, OSVČ i podnikatele
Provozujeme eshop vydavatelství
Přihláška telefonicky, emailem nebo pomocí webových stránek
Elektro školení a přezkoušení elektrikářů, slaboproudařů, revizních techniků
Publishing Books and textbooks Courses for companies
SLOGAN: Vaše spojení se světem elektrotechniky
Elektro školení vyhláška 50/78 sb. Ostrava, Frýdek