DERATUS - Ludek Zapletal

tr. Svornosti 1177/57, Olomouc - Nova Ulice 779 00
The company DERATUS - Luděk Zapletal offers professional services in the field of rodent control, disinfection and disinsection. Our other activities include the installation of barriers against pigeons, cleaning cellars and sanitation of beer pipes, including service work. We are located in Olomouc on tř. Svornosti.

Our activity:
- rodent control (extermination of rodents, mice, rats, rodents)
- disinsection (extermination of insects, cockroaches)
- disinfection (extermination of microorganisms, fungi)
- destruction of wood-destroying insects
- cleaning of cellars, attic
- barriers against pigeons
- sanitation of beer pipes
- non-stop service.

  • carpet vacuuming, bathroom and wc cleaning, dusting, window cleaning, furniture cleaning, kitchen worktop cleaning, residential apartment and office cleaning
  • rat extermination, space disinfection, disinsection of premises, rat and mouse control, insect control, mould and mildew removal, disinfection of flats after the deceased, disinfection of dwellings at handover

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