Cirkevni zakladni skola a materska skola ve Zline

Ceska 4787, Zlin 760 05
The basic mission of the church school is to offer alternative education and training, based on the Christian concept of the church's experience in the field of education.

The aim of a church school is to provide a basic education that is equivalent to other primary schools. However, unlike others, this school should be directly aimed at the education of the Christian personality, following the education in families.
CZŠ is open to children from Christian families, but also from families without religion, which, however, will respect the Christian focus of the school.

Other phones:
-school group - tel.:577011685
-school canteen - tel.:577219809.

  • child preschool upbringing, program for kids, games for children, cultural program for children, mother centre, preschool education of children
  • basic subject teaching, school courses, school leisure time activities, school dinner factory, elementary education

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