InAkademia s.r.o.

Otmarova 185, Trebic 674 01
Training, courses, seminars.
Educational organizations of the economic sphere:
- we organize and perform training activities in the field of accounting, payroll accounting, income tax FO and PO, VAT, payroll accounting, labor law and other related laws
We offer:
- one-day seminars and multi-day events, especially in the relaxation areas of the Czech Republic, for beginners double-entry bookkeeping, payroll accounting, basics of income taxes and VAT.
The events are aimed at business entities, contributory organizations, municipalities and non-profit organizations.

  • language courses for companies, special courses for businesses, evening classes for firms, lectures for staff, adult education
  • retraining massage courses, retraining accounting courses, retraining carpentry courses, retraining courses of employment office
  • courses for the public, art courses, music education classes, cooking classes, self-management courses, alternative medicine courses, massage lessons

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