Vychovny ustav a stredisko vychovne pece Psov

Psov 1, Psov 441 01
We are an important and in many aspects completely unique etopedic facility that specializes not only in the implementation of institutional or protective education, but also in the treatment of addictive behavior within the Educational Treatment Program. Due to our extensive knowledge and many years of experience, we also offer expert advice and help in solving problems within the Educational Care Center.
We are a facility for boys from 15 to 18 to 26 years old with preliminary measures, institutional or protective education and a specialized counseling center. We ensure the holistic and all-round harmonious development of children thanks to a wide portfolio of offered services. The educational care center provides services in the field of primary prevention. Secondary education is provided at civilian schools in the vicinity.

  • care for abandoned children, institutional and protective upbringing, substitute educational care, preventive educational care, children's diagnostic institute

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