Jiri Matyska - hasici technika

Hromuvka 1889, Hranice I - Mesto 753 01
The company Jiří Matyska deals with sales, service and revisions of fire extinguishing equipment and fire extinguishers. Our services also include inspections and pressure tests of fire pipelines and installation of fire seals. You will find us in Hranice.

Sales, service, work:
- firefighting equipment
- extinguishers
- installation of fire seals.

- extinguishers
- revision of fire extinguishers
- fire shutters, seals
- pressure tests of fire pipelines.

  • fire extinguishers servicing, hydrant systems, fire hydrants, foam fire extinguishers, powder extinguishers, water extinguishers, snow extinguishers, mobile fire extinguishers

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