Veleslavinska 48/39, Praha 6 - Veleslavin 162 00
The company GIVERSDON s.r.o. is engaged in publishing a specialized professional magazine A-Z ELEKTRO. A professional magazine that focuses on focuses on electrical engineering, energy and electronics. The A-Z ELEKTRO magazine is published every two months and brings professional articles from the fields of automation, electrical installation, energy, cables, software, lighting, laser technology, measuring and testing technology, science, research and many other fields.

Specialized professional magazine A-Z ELEKTRO:
- bimonthly
- focus on electrical engineering, energy, electronics and more.

Categories found in the magazine:
- automation, robotics, control and regulation
- wiring, intelligent systems
- energy, electrical engineering, alternative sources
- Cables, wires, and cable assemblies
- software and hardware
- lighting technology
- electrical machines and devices, drives
- information and telecommunication technologies
- laser technologies, optical systems
- measuring and testing technology
- Editorial articles, news and fairs
- science, research and innovation.

We are located at Veleslavínská 48/39, Prague 6 - Veleslavín.

  • lifestyle magazines, magazines on housing, women's magazines, men's magazines, daily newspapers
  • production of printed materials, specialized journals, dailies publisher, magazine market, publishing activities, documents publishing

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