Animal production , commercial breeding and sale of livestock – cattle, cows, calves, heifers and breeding bulls. When buying do not forget also on the quality of the plant feed, thus the feed grains, oats, barley, wheat, oilseed, oilseed, potatoes and corn.

Agricultural production - plant and animal.

Services - agricultural primary production - Crop production - animal production.

Collective farm. Crop production: - cereals - rape - fodder crops. Animal production: - breeding - cattle, cattle - breeding - pigs. Sale: - spare parts - agricultural machinery. Repairs, service: - agricultural machinery, mechanization. Work: - locksmith - turning - plumbing - construction. Services: - ...

Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal.

Farm. Accommodations: -3 double to quadruple rooms with bathroom and kitchen - by arrangement, the possibility of catering -enclosed spacious yard -fireplace -hiking, cycling - in winter, cross-country trails, ski lift in Mrákotín. Livestock production.

Private organic farm: - ecological agriculture - Crop production - cattle and pigs Sales, e-shop: - organic products and food - Meat - vegetables.

Agricultural production: -vegetable -cereals - barley, wheat, oats -rape -maize -Clover -potatoes, sale of hand-picked ones quality potatoes -animal -breeding, sale - sows, piglets, beef cattle. Services: - transport of livestock.

Agricultural plant and animal production