Animal production , commercial breeding and sale of livestock – cattle, cows, calves, heifers and breeding bulls. When buying do not forget also on the quality of the plant feed, thus the feed grains, oats, barley, wheat, oilseed, oilseed, potatoes and corn.

Agricultural primary production: - cereals - oilseeds - beet - production of milk, beef. Services for farmers: - soil preparation - sowing - application of plant protection products. Operation of vending machines for fresh milk. Sale: - gardening supplies and products for farmers - building materials and supplies. Operation ...

Services: - agricultural production - purchase, processing, storage and sale of agricultural commodities -production and distribution of feed mixtures and feed supplements - sale of pesticides and services in the field of plant protection - sale of fertilizers and services in the field of plant nutrition - operation of gas stations ...

Private farmer: - Crop production - rapeseed, barley - animal production: - pig breeding.

Wholesale: Processed and unprocessed plant products -fields, rape, barley, poppy, corn -flour Processed and unprocessed animal products -cattle, pigs -milk Agricultural commodities Drying and cleaning: -agricultural products -harvest treatment Industrial fertilizers Agroservices Consulting activity: -agriculture.

Production, sale: Briquettes: -from energy plants and biomass package 10kg, on a pallet 1 ton, big bag-500 kg -mixtures of straw and sorrel -clean wood waste. Plant products: -wheat cereals (food and feed), feed barley -rapeseed oil, -leaf peas food -energetic herbs, sorrel herb UTEUŠA. Animal production, sale: -pigs breeding about ...

Production center: -sale oil spare parts (freight cars, tractors) oils lubricants -purchase, sale agricultural commodities corn -agricultural production vegetable animal -transport Liaz Avia -repairs, service Agriculture machinery trucks. Mass production center: -sale meat products ...

Production: - plant protection products - ungicides - herbicides - fertilizers - insecticides - limacids - rodenticides.

Breeding breeding ducks. Reproductive breeding of meat-type hens - slow-growing broiler Poultry hatching

Crop production: - cereals - oilseeds. Animal production: - cattle breeding, milk production. Sales, distribution: - fertilizers - plant protection products.

Internet sales of rabbits, wholesale, retail. Hyla Genetic Center, Hyla kennel, laboratory rabbits, rabbits for slaughter.

Internet sales of rabbits, wholesale, retail. Hyla Genetic Center, Hyla kennel, laboratory rabbits, rabbits for slaughter.

Bio farm. -rafts of goats -production of goat products -excursions for the public (schools, kindergartens, foreigners) Planting lavender -oil -hydrolate

Production, operation: -agricultural animal and plant production fermented alcohol and mushroom production.