For the successful beginning of the cultivation of crops it is necessary to purchase seed, and the seeds of the desired plants. You can also buy seed corn, cereals, sugar beet or sunflower. In addition to seed needs to get even fertilisers and chemical pre

We are engaged in agricultural primary production, retail and wholesale, we run self-harvesting vegetables.

Sale - starter culture FLORAPAN industrial production of yeast types of bread Cultivation - hops and organic hops

Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal.

Agriculture. Agricultural production: -vegetable -growing, selling alfalfa, alfalfa -cereals, grains -maize -sunflower -animal: -breeding, sale, distribution of piglets, piglets, piglets - cattle, Holstein cattle Place of business: -Nikolčice-farm, piglets- phone: 519421820. Wine cellar Maryša.

Agricultural crop production: - growing fruits and vegetables -fruit retail and vegetables. Yard sale. Cabbage, potatoes, onions, apples, paprika, garlic, dried fruit - apples, pears, plums, apricots. Gardening services. Projects, projections, design, garden designs, gardens.