Agricultural production includes, in addition to the production of oilseeds, corn, sunflower, grapevines, mainly the production of cereals, such as wheat, oats, barley and rye. Important for breeding is high-quality and well-dried straw, and so is the forage, which is the bulk of the plant feed.

Services: - agricultural production - locksmith production - security, protection and attendance systems

Agrodružstvo Brťov-Lipůvka is mainly engaged in plant and animal production. The mechanization department provides mechanization work for plant production, animal production and other operations of the company. We grow apples, pears and rhubarb in the fruit growing sector. In the area in Lipůvka, there is a retail store, the assortment of which ...

Collective farm: - Crop production: - wheat, barley, rape, rye, oats - animal production: - cattle breeding. Soup kitchen: - Lunch delivery. Slaughterhouse. Biogas plant.

Zemědělské družstvo Sebranice is engaged in plant and animal production. We currently manage 965 ha of arable land and 148 ha of permanent grassland in 14 cadastres. Zemedelske druzstvo, ZD: - crop production: we grow cereals wheat, barley, rape, peas, corn, alfalfa - livestock production: cattle breeding, cattle, black-spotted ...

Collective farm. Agricultural production: - vegetable - animal.

Farm, plant and animal production: - wheat - barley - oat - rapeseed - mustard - bulk grain - grain bagged for small customers - hay, straw Breeding of Cameroonian goats and sheep and horses.