Let go within the gardening to growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will need bulbs, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, plant pots or flower boxes and the appropriate tools. The ornament can be purchased cut and potted flowers or other artificial decorations.

Sale - fertilizers - substrates Flower shop - tying cut flowers Horticulture

Bamboo center. Gardening, sales: - bonsai - shaped trees - bamboos

Growing nursery of stonecrops, sedums, winter-hardy succulents and rock plants. Services, retail and wholesale - gardening services - custom supply of limestone for green roofs - cultivation and sale of ornamental plants - organization of exhibitions and fairs - implementation and construction of rock gardens, consultancy.

Garden center, sales, e-shop, services: - gardening supplies - flowers, plants - designs and implementation of gardens - installation of irrigation systems - implementation of swimming and ornamental ponds

Services: - gardening - forestry -communal

Sale - flowers - gardening supplies - flower ties Horticulture Mostky - annuals, perennials - ornamental shrubs, trees - balcony plants tel. 777 490 240 (flower shop, Dlouhá 168, Kaplice) tel. 380 743 018 (Mostka horticulture) tel. 777 141 050 (wholesale)

Garden center - design, implementation and maintenance of gardens - landscaping of gardens - planting of trees and shrubs - year-round maintenance of public and private greenery - installation of irrigation systems. Sale - plants and flowers - deciduous trees and shrubs - coniferous trees and shrubs - fruit trees - perennials - ...

Gardening, sales: - ornamental trees, shrubs - perennials - fruit trees - annuals - cut flowers

Horticulture. Retail, sales: - planting vegetables -balcony flowers -Anniversaries - fruit trees - ornamental shrubs -roses, woody plants, perennials, conifers -substrates, fertilizers -ceramics, chests.

Wholesale, sale: -Christmas trees

Horticulture: - growing and selling flowers Services: - designs and implementation of gardens

Horticulture: - design and implementation of gardens - garden maintenance

Horticulture Sale of ceramics, tools and assortment for gardeners, cottagers and growers. Offer of wedding and funeral bouquets.

Horticulture. Services: - implementation of garden and landscape architecture -floristic services and exhibition business -production of own crops of perennials, annuals, balcony plants, herbs, ornamental trees and shrubs

Horticulture: - establishment, maintenance of greenery - projection of gardens - building garden ponds - irrigation systems Sale: - rocks - bushes - room plants

Sale: -shrubs, oh beautiful bushes -perennials -fruit trees - conifers. Horticulture: - park improvements -projection and establishment of gardens -plant care -tree cuts - felling trees.

Services: - design and implementation of gardens Gardening, sales: - ornamental trees - trees

Horticulture: - implementation of garden and park improvements - cultivation of flowers, ornamental plants and trees - binding of wreaths and bouquets.

Production and sale: - potted plants - ornamental flowers - annuals