Let go within the gardening to growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will need bulbs, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, plant pots or flower boxes and the appropriate tools. The ornament can be purchased cut and potted flowers or other artificial decorations.

Our horticulture offers cut flowers and bouquet arrangements. You will find seasonal, potted and balcony flowers, including perennials, houseplants and herbs. We carry a wide range of flower and vegetable seeds, potatoes, garlic, onions, flowers, strawberries for planting. Fruit growers and growers of ornamental trees and shrubs will also ...

Gardening services - maintenance of public greenery - gardening and horticultural work - design and implementation of gardens Garden center Mariánské Lázně TRIMA Plzeňská 608/17, 353 01 Mariánské Lázně tel. 602 750 822 - sale of flowers, plants and supplies for gardeners - substrates, mulch bark, seeds, fertilizer.

Horticulture. Retail, sales: - planting vegetables -balcony flowers -Anniversaries - fruit trees - ornamental shrubs -roses, woody plants, perennials, conifers -substrates, fertilizers -ceramics, chests.

Wholesale, sale: -Christmas trees

Horticulture: - growing and selling flowers Services: - designs and implementation of gardens

Gardening at Vyhlídka Sale: -flowers -fruit trees Services: - gardening -tying flowers and wreaths