Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Sale of goods for dogs, cats and farm animals. We offer food for dogs and cats, feed mixtures and breeding equipment.

Aquaculture. Retail, sales: - feed for fish, rodents, birds, cats and dogs -parrots, fish, hamsters. Complete aquarium equipment: -plants, filters, medicines. Painting Supplies. Maintenance. Advice

Livestock production, sale: - eggs - pigs - poultry

Retail, sales: -Pet Supplies. - feed for animals.

Agricultural enterprise 1500 ha: - animal production -150 sows - 230 cows - plant production - insurance animal feed production -fruit growing and wine growing -we farm on 26 hectares of vineyards, 5 ha of apricots, 45 ha of apple trees, 55 ha of sour cherries, 25 ha of peaches, 18 ha of plum trees -greenery ...

Sale and breeding of frozen and live mice.

Sale: - protective products, protective products for vines and other plants.

Processing, peeling: - onions. Delivery, wholesale, sale: - peeled onion for further processing.

Agricultural production. Livestock production - breeding of slaughter lambs and Highland cattle.

Agricultural production. Livestock production: - cattle breeding. Crop production: - cereals - legumes. Landscaping - landscape maintenance. Hay production.

Western horse riding Ranch - breeding, training and stable of horses.

Mill production: -grinding flour. Processing: -wheat. -rye.

Services, sales: -restaurant -hospitality -butcher shop -breeding, sale of fish - purchase of game - sale of game - cottage rental. Operation of the Shooting range under Nový Háj.

Production and distribution of edible oils. Pasta production. Business activity: -agricultural commodities, sugar and oil. Residence: -Divnice house no. 115, 763 21 Slavičín

Sale, breeding and seed production of cucumbers: -seed - cucumber, cucumbers, cucumber -seed. Shipping warehouse: - náměstí Svobody 808, Bzenec, phone, fax: 518384972.

Breeding and sale of rodents. Granules, feed.

E-shop: - sprays - fertilizers - excipients - repellents - rodenticides Road transport: - up to 3.5 tons by Transit delivery.

Management of seeds and seedlings of forest trees Planting and growing trees.

Sales, cultivation: - pepper seeds and seedlings.

Painting works Home trimming Facade insulation - undercutting houses - coatings against moisture Plasterboard works Laying - tiling - paving stones Complete reconstruction - turnkey constructions Masonry work

Dressage and jumping training for riders and horses. Preparation and implementation of the basic rider training test for those interested, we organize outings (agritourism). Stables for horses.