Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Approaching firewood and working in the forest. Forestry.

Work: -ground Road transport: - transportation of bulk materials - container transport Agricultural Services: -harvest grain with agricultural technology

Forestry: -forest planting - cultivation work - logging - purchase of forests

The company deals with forestry in the city of Dvur Králové nad Labem and its surroundings. We manage forests, forest lands and ponds belonging to the city of Dvur Králové nad Labem. We offer chopped firewood and apartment-type accommodation in Hájenka (the village of Kocbeře near Dvor Králové nad Labem).

Breeding and sale - aquarium fish Symphysodon discus and Pterophyllum altum

Chipped wood: -we deliver cut to standard sizes of 25, 33, 40 and 50 cm. - leveled on pallets and pulled down with tape -packaged loose on a pallet - sprinkled

Repairs and motor vehicles Repairs and motor vehicles Production - products of plant production Repairs and maintenance - agricultural machinery

Activity of technical advisers in agriculture and forestry Providing services for agriculture and horticulture Forestry, logging and hunting services

Agricultural production: - plant production combined with animal production. Production: - woodchips - biomass.

Work: - forestry - cultivation -wood extraction -cleaning the cleat - fencing of forest crops with wire mesh

E - shop - seeds Realization - gardening services Production and packaging - seeds

Wholesale - TRISOL components for stimulating the growth of agricultural and forest cultures

Lesnicko - timber company. Forestry Section: - comprehensive services for forest owners, from logging to forest restoration and other cultivation work. Wood section: - custom made garden furniture - wooden buildings - custom production of lumber - production is carried out exclusively from domestic raw materials and water-soluble, ...

Wholesale: - flower and vegetable seeds - grass mixtures - technical crops - agrochemicals - fertilizers - substrates - foil - non-woven fabrics - plastics.

Fortissimo Machine embroidery and sewing. Production of breeding supplies. Breeding supplies and feed. Cutting and trimming dogs. registered office: Purkyňova 736, 544 01 Dvur Králové nad Labem

We offer wholesale sale of beef and pork skins. We buy beef and pork skins. Contact person: Vladimír Simon, mobile: 605 264 702, email:

High-rise buildings: - treatment of roof coverings - treatment of gutters and downspouts Installation: - cables - web cameras Arboriculture: - crown pruning - felling of dangerous trees Cleaning: - cleaning of sports hall constructions - washing windows - gutter cleaning - cleaning window sills - cleaning other ...

Sale: - artificial fertilizers - coal - diesel fuel - door renovation - laying of floors - new doors.