Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Services - riding stable - horse riding - horse riding lessons

- Production of plant products - cereals - wheat, rye, barley - legumes - peas - oilseeds - rapeseed - breeding cattle

Forestry: - service completion. Logging and purchase of wood. Sale: - wood - seedlings - chemicals for the forest. Reclamation. Advice: - forestry area.

Delivery - products of plant production

Chimney shop. Maintenance, revision: - chimney bodies of all types and designs - for solid fuels i gas. Services: - regular chimney cleaning - revision of smoke paths, flues - milling of chimney vents. Mining, zooming in: - wood Earth and excavation works.

Farm near Ležák - sowing with a no-till machine - baling into round bales with a baler - baling of hay and straw - collection of bales of hay, silage and straw - harvesting corn for silage with a cutter - field and other work

Running a goat farm. Goat farm. Production, distribution, sales: - Kaprinus goat cheese, goat milk - cow cheese in organic quality BIO Podzimek. Consulting in the field of software and hardware.

Haulage Services in agriculture

Sale of salt: - sprinkled - feeds - tablet - loading - special. Sale: - apple pomace - fodder granulated thresher - raw materials for feed production.

Activity: - nets for Christmas trees - tree nets - packing nets - nets for packing saplings - network sales - production of packing nets - mesh fabric - packaging equipment for trees - package for trees - growing trees - packing trees - sale of Christmas trees - mediation of Christmas trees - Christmas trees - machine ...

Activity: - poultry farm. Breeding: - chicken - a hen. Production: - eggs, eggs.

- agriculture - Crop production - animal production - Plant and animal production commodity¨ - Provision of services in the field of production and agricultural and forestry repairs machinery and road freight transport