Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Wholesale, retail, sales - fodder - Pet Supplies - litter.

Farm: - breeding of Galloway cattle - cultivation of cereals, clovers, alfalfa Meat grinder, sale: - beef and lamb

Fishing, fishing, Mokrouše pond - organizing trout fishing competitions.

Design, projection, implementation: - gardens

Services: - gardening - plant care Flower shop: In the courtyard, Pražská 5 phone: 604 266 053, 377 223 559 Delivery, delivery of flowers.

Gardening, garden center: -substrates -fertilizers, sprays -ceramics, plastic packaging -ponds, pond technology - aquariums, aquarium sets and accessories -playground -greenhouses -throws into the hedges - ornamental shrubs, conifers -rhododendrons - azaleas - heathers -perennials - ornamental grasses -room and ...

A kennel with a long tradition - Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Production - biomass from residual wood matter Forestry work

The main activity is logging and wood processing. We deliver chopped wood. We buy wood. - we provide individual tree felling - we carry out work with chain saws and brush cutters - we will clean your gardens and remove leaves - we can do all carpentry work - we have our own cars and thus also provide car transport - in winter, we ...

We deal with complete forestry activities, including logging, gathering, cleaning and processing of logging residues. We also buy wood, wood biomass, buy forests and cut down trees at risk. We also sell your wood.

Training - dogs for the disabled - assisting and guiding psycanis therapy - educational program for children and youth

BLUETOUCH kennel - Siamese, Oriental, Peterbald cats

Strawberry farm. Cultivation, sale: -strawberries

NOVARTIS s.r.o. ANIMAL HEALTH Novartis' disinsection and pest control products are sold and distributed in the Czech Republic by the partner company DDD Servis - wholesale, retail, sales, delivery service We are engaged in the production of granulated rodent baits and the sale of disinfectants, insecticides and exterminators, sprayers and ...

Activity: -cultivation and sale of ornamental trees - ensuring assortment for horticultural implementation companies - expert assessments of gardens and trees - designs and implementation of gardens - mail order sales - consultancy. We offer a wide range of ornamental trees for hedges.

Garden studio: -removal of unsuitable trees -removal of ruderal vegetation - removing the sod -cutting down a tree -establishing the lawn by sowing, weeding - establishment of lawn in vegetation prefabs - digging holes for planting plants -digging furrows for planting plants - planting flowers -establishing a flower bed - ...

Project services in the field of ecology: - creation of forest management plans and outlines. Copying. Printing works. Scanning work. Project services in forestry.

Sale of supplies for breeders: -medicines - feed - aquariums - aquarium fish - terrarium animals - ornamental birds -cages, boxes.