Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Non-governmental non-profit organization providing social services to a wide spectrum of the population: - children - seniors - persons with disabilities.

Nursing home: - has a total of 35 apartments, of which 34 are 1+1 apartments and one 2+1 apartment - the apartments are equipped with a kitchen unit, each tenant has his own other furniture - for seniors, or citizens who are self-sufficient but need help for their poor health to live independently - basic care activities such as shopping, food ...

The basic mission of Vincentin - social service provider Šternberk is to provide adequate support and care to children, youth and adults of both sexes with mental, combined and mental disabilities all year round, so that their lives come as close as possible to life in a normal social environment, taking into account the level of their individual ...

Activation center focusing on helping to ensure the lifelong development of people with physical and visual disabilities

Civic Association. Provision of social services for the elderly: - Home for the elderly – House of S. M. Stanislava Ernstová. Operation of the home for the elderly - continuous operation.

Morava basin, Horní Morava plant, Operation of watercourses.

The village of Vřesovice is located 9 km south of the city of Prostějov in the Olomouc region in the so-called Hanák hillock at an altitude of 220 m. The area of the cadastre is 620 ha and 576 inhabitants live here. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1078. The village has a lively cultural, social and sports life. The choir ...

The Trend wheelchair association Olomouc is a non-governmental, non-profit organization operating since 1994. Its basic mission is to support the all-round integration of severely physically disabled citizens from Olomouc and neighboring districts. The disabled themselves decide on the activities and their needs, and they themselves also carry out ...

1) Education - Study for school prevention methodologies / accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2) Specific general primary prevention / certification by the Ministry of Education and Culture 3) Help and safety center - for victims of crimes, domestic violence and human trafficking - KUOK registration 4) Socio-legal ...