Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Parish office. Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception Marie.

District Chamber of Commerce - OHK. Information site for entrepreneurs - InMP. Services: - in the field of business: -advisory and consulting - educational activity - promotion and dissemination of information - supporting school facilities. - in the field of legal and consulting: - legal consultation -economic consulting ...

Municipal office of Martinique: - detailed information on the web side of the village. The current population is 720. The end of peace, but at the same time new jobs. With these expectations, the inhabitants of Martinice in the Kroměříž region look up to the newly emerging Holešov industrial zone, which is literally being built right behind ...

The circle of theater volunteers in Hvozdná. Theatre.

Family Center - playroom for children - kitchenette - changing table - Internet connection - the possibility of babysitting - active spending of free time by parents with children - creative and educational programs for parents with children

Apostolic Church. The choir organizes religious services and spiritual meetings. We are dedicated to the spiritual care of the elderly in the nearby DD.

Leisure center for children and youth - leisure activities, organizing summer camps.

We offer children and youth - attractive use of free time throughout the year - regular meetings - art workshops - weekend events - stay in nature, getting to know nature - a good bunch - summer activities (camps), development of camping skills - a diverse and versatile program - use of games in all their forms - personality development ...

Junák - Czech Scout is an educational organization that aims to guide and educate children and youth into harmonious and versatile personalities in the spirit of scouting ideals.

Fire protection. Rescue work during natural disasters and other extraordinary events.