Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

District Directorate police of the Czech Republic, operator: - phone: 974678111 -emergency call: tel.: 158 Weapons Record: Phone: 974678302 Traffic accidents: Phone: 974678254 Department of the Foreign Police - official days: Phone: 974678807 District Police Department of the Czech Republic: - Hradebni 203 - phone: ...

Services: - processing and administration of projects for which it is possible to apply about a subsidy within the Operational Environment Program from areas of support 6.3. Landscape restoration. Planting in intravillan and extravillan. Ecological agriculture.

Activity: -State employment policy: - employment mediation - creation of new places - system for choosing a profession: - informative -advisory. Other contacts: -mediation and consulting: tel.: 527520270 e-mail: Bronislav.Vajdik@uh.mpsv.cz -labor market: tel.: 572520260 e-mail: Frantisek.Dostalek@uh.mpsv.cz ...

Children's folklore dance ensemble Folk dance ensemble