State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

The Municipal Police. Service for municipal districts: -King's Field - Watercress - Honeysuckles - Wet Mountain -Ivanovice -Lamb -Walnut -Consolation.

City police, Bystrc district. Service for municipal districts: - Bystrc -Kinnikki - Žebetín.

Brno-Venkov Labor Office: - overview of vacancies and information about the labor office Brno-venkov.

Brno-město Labor Office: - information about employment opportunities, retraining - record of vacancies.

Municipal Social Security Administration Brno-city.

Arbitration proceedings in property dispute management matters.

State Institute for Drug Control, Brno branch.