The functions of city and municipal authorities are irreplaceable. Care about the order of the whole community, through the officials, the police, firefighters, associations and other components of the office. The most important information related to the village you can find just the relevant authority.

Municipal office. Population 195. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Library. Monuments, landmarks: -Ferdinandsko hunting lodge -objects of the training ground of the German Wermacht - Church of St. Cyril and Methodius from 1911 -Leopoldeum monastery from 1932. The whole village was evicted in 1941 and incorporated into the TÜP Wischau ...

Municipal office. Population 1405. The first written mention of the village dates from 1255. Associations and associations: - physical education unit Sokol -hunting association Hubert -association of volunteer firefighters -kennel club, beekeepers. Services and culture: -post -medical devices - Kindergarten and Elementary ...

Municipal office. Population 315. The first written mention of the village dates from 1328. It is a member of the Ivanovická brána microregion. Corps of volunteer firefighters of the village. Library, cultural and sports facilities. Kindergarten. Sights: - St. Wenceslas Church - Orlov castle, a ruin above the village in the forest.

Municipal office. Population 481. The first written mention of the village dates from 1713. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Library. Kindergarten.

Municipal office. Population 88. The first mention of the village dates from 1426. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Library.

Municipal office. Population 673. The first written mention of the village dates from 1371. Library. Cultural and sports facilities. Kindergarten and Elementary School. Member of the voluntary association of the municipalities of Ždánický les and Politaví.

Municipal office. Population 382. The first written mention of the village dates from 1353. Cultural and sports facilities. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Kindergarten. Library. Playground.

Municipal office. Population 1138. The first written mention of the village dates from 1131. Culture and services: -registry office -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -post -library -museum - sports facilities -health facilities. In a dominant position above the village of Nesovice (7 km east of Bučovice), the building of New Castles has ...

Municipal office. Number of inhabitants 589. Culture and services: -registry office -public library, internet - Kindergarten, primary school - cultural and sports facilities. The first written mention of the village dates from 1131.

Municipal office. Population 1506. The first written mention of the village dates from 1225. Culture and services: -post -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -public library -kindergarten and elementary school -swimming pool, indoor pool, playground, gym -nursing home, nursing home -medical devices.

Municipal office. Population 150. The first written mention of the village dates from 1586. Cultural and sports facilities. Voluntary Firefighter Unit.

Municipal office. Population 186. The first written mention of the village dates from 1349. Cultural and sports facilities. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Public library.

Municipal office. Population 291. The first written mention of the village dates from 1353. Voluntary Firefighter Unit. Library. Kindergarten. Traditions, folklore - feasts, burning of witches, felling of May.

Municipal office. Population 609. The first written mention of the village dates from 1253. The castle is among the most important monuments. Culture and services: - the tradition of viticulture and orchards - associations - winemakers, firefighters, gardeners, fishermen -kindergarten and elementary school -public library -playground, ...

Municipal office. Population The first written mention of the village dates from 1349. Culture and services: -registry office -post -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -public library -kindergarten and elementary school -field, gymnasium, stadium -health facilities.

Municipal office. The village is a member of the DSO - Voluntary Association of the Villages of Ždánické les and Politaví. Culture and services: -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -library - Kindergarten, primary school - cultural and sports facilities -playground. Traditions and folklore - feasts, felling of May, burning of witches, ...

Municipal office. Population 92. The first written mention of the village dates from 1738. Cultural and sports facilities. Voluntary Firefighter Unit.

Municipal office. Population 480. The first written mention of the village dates from 1381. The original name was Muřín after the nearby fortress. Culture and services: -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -library, playground - nature reserve Šévy - bust of T. G. Masaryk.