CITROEN showroom. Sales, service, repair: - CITROEN cars - bazaar, used cars - spare parts

Services: - car service - motorcycle service Sale: - car parts - engine parts - motorcycle clothing

The company SAM Finance, s.r.o. has been on the market since 2008 and provides services in the area of personal and property insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance and other insurance services for legal and natural persons. We also deal with the mediation of loans and mortgages, both for individuals and legal entities. We have many ...

Services: - battery repairs - renovation of battery poles - repairs to damaged battery packs - commissioning of dry batteries - repairs of alternators, starters - minor car repairs

Services: - car service - tire service

Car service: - car service - tire service - diagnostics - geometry - bodywork, painting and plumbing work - car air conditioning - interior and exterior washing - towing service - provision of a replacement vehicle

E-shop - wooden knee sliders for racers and bikers.

Client service 244 188 188 Products and services: - personal insurance - property insurance - motor insurance - insurance - insurance of industrial risks.

Services: - car service - tire service.

Wholesale, retail, e-shop: - spare parts for cars - shock absorbers, suspension, clutches, exhausts - wipers, lights - brake hydraulics, tuning lights - brake pads, discs, bearings - cuffs, pulleys, filters, coolers, - antifreeze mixtures, oils, plastic - body parts, semi-axles, switches - belts, car batteries, seals - water pumps, ...

Wholesale, sales, deliveries, transport: - fuel gasoline - Special BA91 - Super BA96 - Natural BA95N - diesel fuel NM - light fuel oils LTO - TTO heavy fuel oils - plastic lubricants - lubricating oils. Transportation of petroleum products: - product pipelines - railway tanks - road tankers. Filling, ...

Property insurance and liability/ third party insurance, business and industrial risk insurance, movables and immovable properties / real estate full insurance: - insurance against natural hazards - insurance against theft - insurance against vandalism - motor vehicle insurance/ automobile insurance - marine insurance - machinery ...

Property insurance and liability/ third party insurance, business and industrial risk insurance, movables and immovable properties / real estate full insurance: - insurance against natural hazards - insurance against theft - insurance against vandalism - motor vehicle insurance/ automobile insurance - marine insurance - machinery ...

Property insurance and liability/ third party insurance, business and industrial risk insurance, movables and immovable properties / real estate full insurance: - insurance against natural hazards - insurance against theft - insurance against vandalism - motor vehicle insurance/ automobile insurance - marine insurance - machinery ...

Gas station with LPG. Sale and filling of propane butane bottles. Within the field of LPG and PHM - i.e. propane butane we offer professional cooperation.