Non-residential construction includes the construction of objects and buildings not intended for housing. In particular, shops, public buildings, business centers, prefabricated buildings, hospitals, schools and office buildings. Construction implemented by professionals are always the right choice.

Construction activity - construction of family houses - construction of garages - base plates - insulation of family houses - construction consultancy.

Building company: - shops - interiors of shopping centers - commercial interiors.

Construction work, construction supervision.

Construction activity: - reconstruction - residential and non - residential construction - dehumidification of buildings

Engineering and design activities - project documentation - securing the necessary permits only after approval. Execution of constructions - construction of shopping centers, elevators and escalators. Management and maintenance of shopping centers.

Construction activity: - buildings - family houses - halls - commercial construction Joinery: - tailor-made furniture - the kitchen

General contractor of constructions using modern technologies. The company is focused on deliveries from the project, through implementation, to approval and subsequently to warranty and post-warranty service of built objects.

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - residential houses - non-residential construction - historical objects - reconstruction

Construction, alteration and removal Project activity under construction

Consulting, complete engineering and investment activities in the construction industry: - design of buildings - deliveries of turnkey buildings - reconstruction and modernization - demolition and renovation of buildings.

Design, implementation, construction: - supporting steel structures - cladding of buildings.

Activity: - construction and rental of commercial premises suitable for storage, light manufacturing and accompanying office activities.

Construction activity, construction: - non-residential construction - civil amenities buildings - industrial buildings - engineering networks, communication - earthworks - rough constructions of family houses - foundation boards, insulation of facades - terrain and land improvements

Construction activity, construction: - utilities - communication - reclamation of water bodies and streams - residential, non-residential - earthworks - establishment of buildings

Services: - construction activity - engineering - waste management Branch Jaroslav Průcha 1915 Bridge, 43401 Tel. +420774718840

Services: - diagnostics of buildings - Issuance of an energy efficiency certificate and building energy labels - energy assessments