Serial and custom-made food products are broken down into many different categories. Choose from a wide selection of for example dairy products, cereals, bakery products, meat products and sausages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from the czech republic and abroad.

Sale: - food supplements FINCLUB - DXN products - healthy coffee - REIZHI mushroom products

Sales, delivery: - healthy food - Pí-voda - regenerated, harmonized and energized drinking water - gluten-free foods - unsulphured dried fruit - dia products - Herbal Ayurvedic teas and tea concentrates from the Grandfather of the Spice Shop - natural food supplements - window Mandalas - candles - natural stone candlesticks, salt ...

AMELIESHOP.CZ e-shop - Nuremberg punch and gingerbread.

Pekárna Nový Malín always produces fresh baked goods for you directly on your table under the Folpek brand. In our bakery, you can choose fresh bread made from natural kvass, Malín special or wheat bread, including cereal, sweet and savory pastries. Production, sale: - pastries - rolls - homemade bread from natural kvass - fresh bread - ...

Production: - canned goods - vegetables of one kind - vegetable mixes and salads - compotes - preparations for pickling. The company store is open Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Making dumplings. Dumplings: - side dishes - leavened, potato, stuffed sausage, stuffed crackers -filled-leavened fruit dumplings, shulans with poppy seeds.

Bakery: - pastries - wedding cakes - cakes - Christmas - rustic, whole grain and dia pastries.

Minibrewery and steamboat restaurant: - restaurant with pub - menu of the day.

Lékárna Nový dům in Prostějov operates a medicine dispensary located in the medical center in Bedihošt. Here you will find a wide selection of vitamins, incontinence aids, bandage material and dental care products. Sales and delivery: - pharmacy, medicines - medicinal products - nutritional supplements - natural products - medical supplies ...

The Nový dům pharmacy is located right on the square in the center of Prostějov, where you can choose from a wide range of vitamins, food supplements and baby food. We will also be happy to help you choose suitable cosmetics or medical supplies and shoes. Sale of over-the-counter and prescription drugs: - we will prepare individually produced ...

Import, processing: - cocoa products from Ecuador - cocoa, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa husks, chocolate.

Purchase and sale of pallets Sales, e-shop: - briquettes - pellets - firewood - paper - hollow packaging Production: - Distilled water.

Activity: - packaging and sale of sugar