Serial and custom-made food products are broken down into many different categories. Choose from a wide selection of for example dairy products, cereals, bakery products, meat products and sausages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages from the czech republic and abroad.

Obesity treatment services. D.T. Technic, NATURHOUSE Warehouse

Wholesale, retail, sales: -alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages -tobacco products -foodstuffs.

Wholesale, retail, sales - kebabs - gyros. Ruská 117/17 Pozorka, Dubí near Teplice 41703

Retail, sales, e-shop: - herbal preparations - teas - scented oils - tinctures

Production, distribution - potato chips - fried chips.

Training, courses, seminars: - communication - Reiki E-shop: - nutritional supplements - cosmetics

Delivery: - Palm oil - palm kernel oil

Our services: - confectionary production of traditional Czech desserts and cakes made from real animal whipped cream - wholesale and retail - delivery for confectionery - banquets, restaurants and hotels. Atypical cakes, wedding, Christmas, mini-desserts, sweets, dough. Production of Italian ice cream (50 types).

Patisserie, production, sale: - cakes - desserts Provost Branch: phone: 774 714 460

Production, sale - delicacies - salads - sandwiches - lined bowls.

Production: -honey, birthday, wedding cakes

Grandmother's Old Bohemian Strúdlík. Bakery, production: - strudels

Wholesale: - fruits and vegetables - frozen goods - dairy products - alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages - tobacco products

Production: - delicacies - cold kitchen - ready meals - pastries

E-shop, sale - herbal teas - Dietary Supplements - cosmetics - spices.

Retail, sales - healthy food - organic food - gluten-free diet.

Sweet-shop - breakfast - rolls - desserts - taking orders for cakes - arranging and organizing family celebrations

Sale - tomatoes - planting vegetables Production - sale of potted flowers - annuals - potted flowers - plants for park planting Cultivation - quick tomatoes

Regeneration Club: -regeneration, prevention of mental and physical health. - organization of professional courses. Retail, sales: -herbs. -herbal teas. -herbal cosmetics. Teplice, Vrázová 6, phone: 417 539 832