Choose from a wide selection of alcoholic distillates, which include whiskey, bourbons, brandy, plum brandy, pear brandy, apricot brandy. Also popular are spirits burnt from the wine, such as Cognac, Vinjak, Armagnac, Metaxa or Gruzinac.

Wholesale warehouse, wholesale of beverages - alcoholic beverages - beer - wine - nonalcoholic drinks - snacks, sweets - coffee, tea - tobacco products

-Wholesale and retail Hospitality activity Sales of fermented alcohol, drinking alcohol and spirits

Frenštát cheese factory - products: - farm cheeses, Gouda, goat cheese, Appenzeller, Bleu d'Averegne, Gruyere, Maasdam, Morbiér, Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Romano - wines and schnapps - delicacies (French sausages, wine jelly) - gift packaging of wine, cheese and delicacies - cheese bowls.

Grower distillery and fermenter, distillery. Burning of imported kvass, exchange of apples for cider. Apples are exchanged for cider in the distillery facility. Not immediately, after fermentation, in about 3-4 months.