Other crafts, such as basketry, kovotepectví, drawing up pedigrees, sculpture, fortune telling, processing of leather and fur, graphological analyses of manuscripts and other manual and handicraft work to bridge the gap between traditional crafts and industrial production.

Services: - interpretation of cards online and in person.

Activity: - editor - copywriting - company magazines - editorial work.

Artwork: - pictures - paintings - drawings

Services - copy editor, copywriter and content strategist - mentoring and training - creating publishing plans for the web, blogs, social networks.

Insulation -Finishing construction work -Wholesale -Specialized retail and retail sale of general merchandise Construction, alteration and removal

-Purchase of goods for resale and sale. -Installation of folding walls and doors. -Manufacture, installation and repair of blinds, shutters and seals.

Services: - astrological and numerological analysis of personality - work with energy - unblocking the chakras - interpretation of tarot cards

Services: - proofreading of Czech texts.

Services - digitization of slides and negatives - slide scanning. Contact adress: Russian 1244 Úvaly okr. Prague East 250 82

Activity - illustration - comics - mentoring.

Proofreading, adjustments: - bachelor thesis - dissertation - dissertation - seminar and other works - contracts - professional texts and others.

Services: - interpretation of tarot cards.

Activity - writer - author of books on personalities - organizes discussions and seminars - press camps and blocks.

Services - interpretation of tarot - intuitive crystal therapy - treatment of psychosomatic problems.

Professional genealogy services - compiling a family tree.

Astrologer. Lectures, seminars. Interpretation of cards. Teaching astrology.

Services - proofreading of texts in the Czech language - spelling and grammar correction of the text.

Earthwork. Construction work. Cutting concrete. Cutting and felling of trees, crushing of branches. Sale of building materials Fryšták

Services: - language proofreading - formal editing of the text

Kateřina Pokorná, under the nickname Teta Kateřina, devotes herself to esotericism, numerology and card interpretation. Currently, she works as a psychotronic, esotericist and director of two amateur theater groups. He organizes lectures and courses. Courses: - work with energy - mental techniques - automatic drawing - Reiki - Shamballa - ...

Cutlery, handmade production of knives to order: -hunting - fighting -closing - collector's knives decorated with plastic engraving. Handles made of natural materials: - antlers, bone, horn, rare woods and leather.