Go for the culture and visit the Czech museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Waiting for you still exposure, special exhibitions or thematic exposure. Exhibition of cars, museum of science and technology or to be an exhibition of paintings – depends on your taste.

The House of Culture of the City of Orlová, a contributory organization, organizes cultural, social and educational events for children and adults. Our offer of cultural events is wide, we provide theater performances, art and photographic exhibitions, shows, music programs or hobby courses. In the premises of the House of Culture there is a ...

Castle, museum. Castle exhibition: -noble furniture and art history collections from the 16th to the 20th century -17 stylishly furnished rooms -preserved ceiling paintings and original ones castle library. Every 1st Saturday of the month, weddings take place in the castle ceremonial hall. Chagall Gallery, tel. 596 322 859: -art ...