Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Our company Goodwill-Catering and party service s.r.o. specializes in providing comprehensive services to companies exhibiting at BVV, we provide catering, hostesses and banquets. We provide catering hot and cold dishes. We always prepare fresh meals, we have a large selection of dishes, meals can be ordered with us during the day. We prepare ...

Logistics solutions: - truck, sea transport - trade fair forwarding - collection and customs services .

Zoo. ZOO. - a member of major international professional groups - rescue center for handicapped animals telephone: 721 235 232 - educational programs for kindergartens, primary schools and high schools.

Brno Philharmonic. Ticket office: - Mon - Fri: 13:00 - 19:00 - tel .: 539 092 811

Sales gallery - pictures - paintings.

Auction house - address: Sýpka, 2.Modrá, Gallery Sýpka, Údolní 70, 602 00 Brno - opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 - 12, 13 - 17 hours.

Reconstruction, repair, delivery and installation - heat exchangers -projection designs - heat exchangers - pipes and its hinges - silencers for heating equipment Delivery and installation - pipes and its hinges - silencers for heating equipment Reconstruction and repairs - pipes and its hinges Design proposals, production, delivery and ...

Historical - theater association, historical events and fairy tales.

Brno City Museum: -exhibitions and expositions -casemate -castle, fortress.

Aquarium: -permanent aquarium exhibition of the ZOO of the city of Brno.

Dance studio - Oriental dance courses - performance of oriental dancers.

Services: - moderator, moderation - voice training.

Publishing The lifestyle oriented magazine offers engaging reading for free time on the go, in cafes, restaurants, but of course also at home. It brings information and interesting things not only from the region, but also from travels - top destinations, world capitals, tips for trips around the Czech Republic. Further

Realization - corporate events, catering, curling - production - transportation of participants - technical equipment.

-Organization of children's recreational and recreational-educational events

The Brno dance studio No Feet organizes courses in tap, street dance (hip hop, house dance, lockin), jazz dance and others for all age categories and dance levels

Production: - educational video programs - professional video programs.

Comics Shop. Retail, e-shop: - comics.