Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Services: - post-production of TV shows, film documentaries and commercials - operation of a mastering studio.

Painter and artist JUDr. Ivana Kotýnková devotes herself to painting, wood and ceramics. She has realized a number of exhibitions at home and abroad and her works are represented in many important galleries. It also operates its own sales gallery, which can be found in Prague on V Olšinách Street. Sales gallery, studio: - pictures: - ...

Private radio station, radio with a focus on classical music. Contact to the studio: - tel .: 739 987 987

Publishing: - Retail News magazine, Retail Info Plus. Services: - public relations - marketing consulting.

Activity, services: - audiovisual production - production and implementation of turnkey audiovisual projects - documentaries - records of theater productions and concerts - production of primary signal in Full HD quality

Services - racing, participation in uphill races - organization of sports events - sale and service of vehicles.

Services - organizing professional and social events, national competitions, international conferences, event events.

Activity: - TV broadcasts, recordings - post-production - production.

Solidet Gallery - exhibitions and sales of works of art - paintings, graphics, drawings.

Realization: - thematic cultural programs from chamber performances to complete events

Services - production of audiovisual programs (entertainment programs, live broadcast, reality show, game show, commercials) - representation of performers - organizing social events, gala evenings, corporate events, parties, balls.

Services: - video and audio postproduction - dubbing - transcription center

Services: - production companies specializing in shooting movies, commercials and music videos.

TV broadcast Sport 5 - sports television channel - sports programs.

Concert agency - organizing concerts of classical music.

Services: - organizing various types of events from conferences to social evenings - event service - catering - music production

Publishing, editorial staff: - Vesmír magazine.